Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Final Exam


Looking back to September 2012, what were your original expectations of this art class? (art techniques, art concepts, materials, projects)
I honestly thought it would be the most boring class ever being that its so much work and things to learn , But it wasn't it it was really fun and easy and a life learning experience that I will always take with me where ever I go.

 How did this class meet, exceed or fail your expectations? Be specific, give examples.
This class taught me how to work with Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop , and other programs. We learned how to make something look so real and how to really be creative and always think outside of the box and just being original and organized. We did a lot of fun things in this class which is what I was hoping I would have but wasn't sure and I did . This class taught me a lot , most I can use for career wise .

What were your (3) greatest challenges in this class? Were you able to overcome them? How did you accomplish this?
My greatest challenges was trying to finish in time and do each assignment to the best of my ability . Since I always want to do something perfect , sometimes making things perfect takes time and patience which sometimes I don't have but I made it work . To accomplish this  I would just be very organized and arrange everything so that it was easy and then the next day I would start putting it all together day by day. I took my time but put a lot of work into each aspect of the assignment and I'd like to say that all of my projects came out pretty good.

If you could take this class again, what would YOU do differently?
If I could take this class again id go to infinity and beyond with my projects and make everything pop , I'd try to make mines better than everyone Else's just so I stand out as well as my work . I'm good at what I do I just wish I was better , And I will be because I'm going to use these skills I have from this class when I leave from this school and the more I use it the better I will get at it.

Would you recommend this class to another student? Explain why?
yes I would recommend this class . Its a great class and teaches you a lot not just about graphics but how things are set up and how things work . It teaches you to do an amazing job , have patience , good thinking , creative skills , and can be really useful to the outside world believe it or not.

Can you please share with me, your recommendations to improve this class
(projects, setup, materials, time, etc).
I honestly have no recommendations to improve this class is great just the way it is.

Did this class help you to become more comfortable being creative and trying out new materials and art concepts?
This class did help me become more comfortable and creative and now I know how to use things I never knew how to use before . I like to think that this class improved my creativity skills , before I would just pick whatever idea or topic but now I think outside the box and always want to do something different and being that I can expand more on my creativity I do just that.

What career are you considering to study in college? Did this class help you get
closer to your career/college goals? How so?
I want to do criminal justice or be a forensic scientist . This class helped me because I can use my creativity skills to do something in those Fields and who knows maybe know one else knows how to and I can be that star worker that just makes everything nice and detailed also if I want a side job I can do work for companies and made some extra money.

What are your goals for school next year? What will be your greatest challenge?
My goals for next year is to most likely take photography which i can also use to the career choice that I want because art is everywhere so if I study all of this now and then go to college for my career choice I will be all set . I'll have everything I need.