Friday, September 21, 2012

Identity Poem

Emani Is My Name .
I’m Weird , Honest , Strong , and Independant .
Fierce like a lion , cute and cuddly like a penguin
i love my baby brother , like the son i never birthed
my little sister and i have our moments but i love her
my brother well thats another story
vogue , seventeen , E news , and food magazines are the best kind of things to read
as for the fashionable magazines its good because you see who lost it & who still got it
i like basketball ; lakers are the best whopp whopp . gold and purple never looked better toget
the most amazing color in the world ? BLUE because its so many shades too it and its just awesome
i love to text it keeps me from being bored and shows people want to talk to me
Snowy days are cool not the coldness but the scenery of it all
To see people walking enjoying themselves , kids running around expieriencing outside and just so full of life brings joy to me
i wish this world was a better place , people would be kind and not try to kill one another every second
i need hope faith and freedom in my life , everyone who doesn’t have it does
i aspire the finer things in life , enough said .

My Vocabulary

Abstract - thought of apart from concrete realities, specific objects, or actual instances .
Back Ground - the ground or parts, as of a scene, situated in the rear
Complementary Colors - one of a pair of primary or secondary colors opposed to the other member of the pair on a schematic chart or scale (color wheel),  as green opposed to red, orange opposed to blue, or violet opposed to yellow.
contour -the outline of a figure or body; the edge or line that defines or bounds a shape or  object .
creativity - the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination .
Expression - the act of expressing or setting forth in words .
Illustration - something that illustrates ,  as a picture in a book or magazine . 
imagination - the faculty of imagining  or of forming mental images  or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses.
observation - an act or instance of noticing or perceiving.
portrait - a likeness of a person, especially of the face, as a painting, drawing, or photograph.
primary colors - a color, as red, yellow, or blue, that in mixture yields other colors.
secondary colors - a color, as orange, green, or violet, produced by mixing two primary colors.
skethbook - a collection of essays and stories.

texture - the visual and especially tactile quality of a surface .
value - relative worth, merit, or importance

Friday, September 14, 2012


complementary colors

Complementary Colors : one of a pair of primary colors opposed to blue or violet opposed to yellow .


Abstract : the thought of apart from the concrete realities , specific objects , or actual instances

Texture : The visual and especially tactile quality of a surface .


BackGround : The ground or parts , as of a scene , situated in the rear .


illustration : something that illustrates as a picture in a book or magazine .


Contour : the outline of a figure of body ; the edge or line that  defines or bounds a shape or object .


creativity : the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination .

Primary Colors
a color , as red , yellow , or blue , that in mixture yields other colors 


an act or instance of noticing or perceiving

a likeness of a person , especially of the face ,  as a painting , drawing , or photograph

sketch book
a collection of essays or stories

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Why Blog ?

1. I was asked to make a blog for graphic design because making a blog in a way can show others what your like , and who you are without really saying it in words . People can learn a lot about you which is Good .

2. Designing and writing a blog can help you career and future wise because if your into art having an artistic blog shows mostly what you love and want to do . and colleges will look at that and see that you enjoy what you do and that your talented and know what you want in life . say if you like photography having that type of blog shows exactly what kind of things you love taking pictures of or what your interested in .

3.Blogs are used by creating a title that makes up what your blog is and having things on there that describe you , what you love , and what you want to do .

4. If people enjoy whats on your blog and find comfort like benefit from what your blog brings more and more people will see and word gets around and if its extremely good someone important can see and also see what you do which will be good , because you can possibly go far with that .

5. A blogger can earn money from their efforts because if you blog things that other people are interested in your blog becomes popular and more and more people see it and if someone wants you to make a blog for them or promote something you can actually get money .