Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Why Blog ?

1. I was asked to make a blog for graphic design because making a blog in a way can show others what your like , and who you are without really saying it in words . People can learn a lot about you which is Good .

2. Designing and writing a blog can help you career and future wise because if your into art having an artistic blog shows mostly what you love and want to do . and colleges will look at that and see that you enjoy what you do and that your talented and know what you want in life . say if you like photography having that type of blog shows exactly what kind of things you love taking pictures of or what your interested in .

3.Blogs are used by creating a title that makes up what your blog is and having things on there that describe you , what you love , and what you want to do .

4. If people enjoy whats on your blog and find comfort like benefit from what your blog brings more and more people will see and word gets around and if its extremely good someone important can see and also see what you do which will be good , because you can possibly go far with that .

5. A blogger can earn money from their efforts because if you blog things that other people are interested in your blog becomes popular and more and more people see it and if someone wants you to make a blog for them or promote something you can actually get money . 

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