Friday, September 21, 2012

Identity Poem

Emani Is My Name .
I’m Weird , Honest , Strong , and Independant .
Fierce like a lion , cute and cuddly like a penguin
i love my baby brother , like the son i never birthed
my little sister and i have our moments but i love her
my brother well thats another story
vogue , seventeen , E news , and food magazines are the best kind of things to read
as for the fashionable magazines its good because you see who lost it & who still got it
i like basketball ; lakers are the best whopp whopp . gold and purple never looked better toget
the most amazing color in the world ? BLUE because its so many shades too it and its just awesome
i love to text it keeps me from being bored and shows people want to talk to me
Snowy days are cool not the coldness but the scenery of it all
To see people walking enjoying themselves , kids running around expieriencing outside and just so full of life brings joy to me
i wish this world was a better place , people would be kind and not try to kill one another every second
i need hope faith and freedom in my life , everyone who doesn’t have it does
i aspire the finer things in life , enough said .

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