Thursday, October 25, 2012

Alphabet Reflective Essay

For this project i was asked to complete a chart of alphabets , using the letters " o " and " i " . using these letters i was able to complete the entire alphabet . i learned that each letter is made up out of o and i and that i did not know before . for this project i used adobe illustrator and i used pathfinder to arrange the o and i to make the other letters . i also used the selection tool to move it around and place it where i want to . the steps i used to do this was : 

1. first i made an o and i to the size and length i wanted it to be 
2. i played around with the letters and started making easy simple letters like an a , or a b .
3.i continued this process until i had full rows of alphabets 
4. i added the swatch of my 4 symbol project and placed it in my letters
5.i arranged my letters so that its even and looks nice 
my artwork looks a lot like my 4 symbol project , it contains the same colors . and i think its extremely creative it looks really green and earthy like a global warming theme or a nice day outside but in the form of letters . 

I created this project using the same theme from my four symbol project and i i created all the letters and made it into my own thing . i combined the concept because i added green at the top and bottom and the middle contained both blue and green . a challenge i had in this project was making one letter , the " s " it was hard to combine the c and make it into a perfect s , as you can see it still isn't that perfect but its good enough . my alphabet matches my identity precisely . 

I felt really good about the assignment . i learned from it and it was fun and simple and a good way to express your creativity . i learned how to make letters of the entire alphabet out of o and i . i learned that this software can be used for many different things . and it is very useful and has many things to make whatever your doing pop , and stand out . i learned that if i really try and put my mind to something i can do it because when i first saw the project i assumed it would be hard until i found ways to make it easier and fun for me . this project was easy and a little hard but i did it and finished it no problem . i overcame my problems by asking for help which i should do more often and it became easier and i understood it more . 

I can use something like this to teach another student not nessassarily for myself because the only time i can do something like this is in graphic design but i can help another student . and for the real world this can be used if i want to major in graphic design . and i would feel extremely proud of myself if i am able to do that . 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

4 Identity Symbols Reflective Essay

For This project we were to create a 4 identity symbol using 4 elements such as plant , tool , animal , and human . I learned that one thing can be used in many different ways and can be made up of many different things . I learned how to use the clipping mask tool and the swatches tool to make my zebra and combine things such as grass and a lawnmower and a human using that specific object . I used the computer , google , adobe illustrator CS5.1 , and the paper given with the following instructions to do the project . The steps i used to complete this assignment was : 
1. I got an idea , 
2. I put that idea on paper which was a zebra , which became my first element ( animal ) .
3. I dragged a photo in adobe illustrator and i dimmed the photo and locked it then i added a new layer with the photo in it and i used the pen tool to outline the figure of the zebra 
i locked that layer and got the idea to use a swatch to combine grass and a sky into my zebra figure 
5. I then got a lawnmower and traced that figure like i did in step 3 . and i added the main colors im using in this project which is green , white , and gray . 
6. I locked that layer and moved onto my next one which was my last element being i already used 3 .
7. I got an image of a human face and outlined it and added those same colors . 
8. I locked all layers and my project was complete .
My artwork looks like a going green campain , it expresses the elements that have to do with a zebra and its enviroment . zebras eat grass thats what thats for and grass is cut by lawnmowers which is why thats there and humans use lawnmowers to cut grass . each element i have has to do with one another .

A symbol is something that represents an idea, a process, or a physical entity. i came up with the idea that i did based off of i personally like zebras they aren't dangerous animals and they're source of food is grass they aren't like tigers who go around eating other animals and praying they eat on grass which is pure in my opinion . i came up with each 4 symbols like i said because each symbol has to do with the other and it makes the entire project come together . This zebra and this entire project repesents me because i'm pure and i have a specific love for earth and the color green and what it repesents . 

i felt that this assignment was a good one it gave us students a chance to learn new things and used what we know to complete something . this project helps us put things together and organize and plan out things and show how one thing can be many or in this case a 4 symbol identity project . i learn that in graphic design its not about just using tools in the specific document you have to use your mind and imagination , you have to put things together in your mind before you can get it out on paper , you have to search deep within yourself and find that hidden part in you an d get an idea from it . this project showed me i can do that that i can be creative and combine all these things and make it meaningful and make it make sense . it wasn't easy but i did it so that shows me its was extremely hard and i could do it if i work hard and put my mind to it . i overcame them by thinking positive and not so much bout time and what others would think about it what mattered was what i thought about it how i felt about it .if i could improve two things it would be a little more creativity and thought now that i know i can do better and i would use my time more wisely . 

This project will help me in other classes such as photography and fashion after school , i can use my creativity skills and it also will help me with future projects i have to do now ill know what to do and which tool does what and ill know how to make my project pop . and stand out . this project really motivated me to want to do more with other projects and in life .