Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Poster Project Reflective Essay

The Assignment that i was asked to do was combine the 4 symbol elements , My Identity Poem , and the key words , into one project . I learned that you can do a different project and combine it all together and murge it into one whole thing . I used the align tool and i copied and pasted what i needed to do and placed it all on different layers to organize it . The steps used to complete this project is :
1. I already had my poem on one document so i just locked the layer
2. I copied and pasted my 4 - identity symbols placed it to the side and also locked that layer
3. I copied and pasted my 4 key words and locked that layer as well
4. Then i found the words in my poem that matched my key words and i replaced it and shrunk the size to make it fit better .
5. I then made a border around the page using two of my 4 identity symbols , i used the zebra and the lawnmower and i incorporated the colors of the grassy theme with it .
6. Then i used the face and placed in the middle of my poem and changed the colors to match the blue and green
7. I saved my project and my project was complete .

I think this poster is a success because it wasn't hard at all , maybe at first but its only because i didn't understand it . But overall it was easy and i finished and i think it turned out very nice . The work elements that worked well would have to be the 4 identity symbols . It was the easiest to come up with an idea for and its a nice layout . i wouldn't have designed anything differently and I'm not just saying that because i feel that would make more work for me I'm saying that because it fit with my perfect perfectly . i think adding them all together it made each individual element a lot nicer and it gave it a purpose to really pop !.

I really liked this assignment , we got more time and i took my time and used it wisely and i had fun doing it . i learned that with graphic design you really can do almost anything and its just amazing how much you can learn and do using graphic design . And the tools used really helps even more . i learned that with this software you can have a ton of fun and complete a 45 minute project and make it look like  a months worth of work its simply that amazing . it was easy and i overcame no problems at all because i honestly didn't face any .

I can connect this with my chemistry class . i say this because its like designing a chemistry poster and adding all these individual things and making it into one big thing . As far as the real world you it can be used if you have a job and your asked to create a poster design . The project that i completed can help me in many ways and i learned a lot from it and will use it later in life

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