Thursday, January 3, 2013

career and college reflective essay

The task i was asked to complete was i was supposed to figure out what i want to do when im out of highschool and what college i want to attend , so my teacher assigned for us to go onto this website called and on there i can type in the exact major i would like to study and i chose forensic science . it directed me to colleges such as john jay , SUNY at alfred state , and many other colleges being that im only inerested in new york colleges i chose these two although we were supposed to pick three i only chose two because i didnt see any other ones in the state of new york that i was interested in . To complete my task the steps i used was the following :
1. i typed up " forensic science " in the search box
2.i press enter and it directs me to a lists of ideas to figure out what type of forensic science im interested in
3. i chose the one that had DNA , blood , fingerprinting , and crime scenes and victims
4. i click onto that specific idea
5. Many different colleges pop up with that specific major that they are known for .
6. i pick a college
7. i type up the name in a new tab and research all the information about that specific college
8. i find out the GPA and see if i have one close to it or i make it my goal to get close to it
9.then i write down all my information on a paper that was assigned to us .
10 . then im finished with that
The purpose of this assignment was to help guide us and start preparing now while we have a chance to find the school we want and fit everything thats required for it and if we have , then we continue to do what we're doing .
My GPA is currently a 2.0 which is a C average . The GPA of a student is important because most schools are known for how high their students GPA scores are so you have to make sure you have what they want if you want to get into their school . According to your GPA thats how they choose you , they have to make sure your a hard working student and your very serious aboout your school work and they can tell all of that by how high your GPA is .
My passion for forensic science can influence possible careers because i know what i want to do and what im looking for , so by knowing that it makes the search more easier to do , im interested in forensic science because i want to be that person to find out how a person died , and what exactly happend , i want to be a smart person that is good in the lab and can analyze all these things at a crime scene and i always wanted to grow up and investigate like law and order , CSI , NCIS , and criminal minds.
I chose only two schools and as i listed above they are :
1. john jay
2. SUNY at alfred state
Im confident in the decision i made and im going to stick to it , knowing the feild  i want to work in and knowing that there are schools out there for me that i really like makes it better . This career is a good choice for me because its what i want to do .
I need to bring my grades up much much higher my goal is a 4.0 GPA to me its crazy and a long way to go but i will try my best to make it happen because i want to go to this school and if not one of the two i chose then a really good school that has at least some forensic science in it . besides if i do change my mind which i doubt i can have a variety of choices because of my GPA . i want to attend tutoring and studying way more and most likely taking practice tests .
I think i can accomplish this by next year because i am going to try my best .

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