Monday, February 4, 2013

Voting Ideas

In the United States there are specific requirements for the voting process . For example to be eligable to vote you have to be a US citizen , 18 years old by the date of the general election , A resident of your present address for at least 30 days before the election , Not in jail or on parole for a felony conviction , and Not claiming the right to vote elsewhere . People take voting for granted . 206,072,000 americans are eligable to vote . Eligibility to vote in the U.S. is determined by both federal and state law . In almost all states, you can register by mail to vote using the Nation mail voter registration form . You may be able to apply to register to vote in person at the following public facilities : State or local voter registration and/or Election Offices , The department of motor vehicles , Public assistance , agencies , Armed services of recruitment Centers , State-funded programs that serve people with disabilities ,  and Any public facility that a state has designated as a voter registration agency . Three Reasons why voting is important to an individual is because most people want to feel like they have a say in who can make the desisions in our economy and try to help make this world a better place , also if the president they want is picked they will feel like they helped make that happen they helped that accomplishment come true and that they played an important part in todays history and choosing who our president is one of the easiest ways you can voice your opinion in a democracy. It gives you a chance to choose your own leaders and make them accountable for your development . Voting is Important for a society because this way you know what the people want and meet their needs , and parents can vote for their children who cant vote and try to help make sure they live a safe peaceful life while they have the opportunity . and one last thing its important because it honors history . Based on current events there are countries and in our world that has been greatly affected by an election . For example , the  residency of Abranham Lincoln . When Lincoln was elected being what he stood for and the fact that many people didnt agree with his way of thinking he would recieve threats all because he stood up for the people who had no voice or wasnt allowed to have a voice . Lincoln helped win freedom for Blacks after defeating the South in the Civil War. His Emancipation Proclamation helped Blacks gain their freedom after the U.S. regained control of the Confederacy. Lincoln had some of the most difficult problems any president ever had to face, and he died a hero.

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