Thursday, February 28, 2013

CUP Project Reflextion

In Graphic design , we were asked to create button designs to later on actually create buttons . Two people came in and they introduced themselves and spoke to us about voting the lady told us about how people want to change voting rights and that the task we are going to do is make buttons that will send that message about having the right to vote . To complete these buttons i went on google and i used some of the template designs that were already there for us as an example we also got a chance to meet turbo vote and ask them questions and find out more about voting . The steps to creating my button designs was :
1. i opened the file buttons template
2. then i copied the outline of the button
3. i made designs and organized my document from quotes , to designs , and swatches .
4. i took images like heart patters , floral print patters , galaxy patters and i converted it into a swatch and then place it in the circle and took a quote that i had layed out and placed it in there as well .
5. after this i had to resize the button designs so that it fit and when i cut it out it can later be placed with a button
6. finally when i was done with the designs i cut them out and then i got a plastic sheer and a button front and back put them all together in the machine and pressed down and out came a button .
The purpose of this task or assignment was to have a voice . to kinda protest or make voting right pins that relate to things that are important like " 18- deserve to vote " or " Let us vote ".
To have the right to vote you have to be 18 or older and a citizen of the us and meets the residency requirement of his or her state . People who are not allowed to vote are younger than 18 if they aren't a US citizen or if they're incarcerated . I don't think this is right and i don't believe the system is right . we all live here and we all deserve fairness . where your in jail or not people still want to have someone fair and just to be in charge they should have a say people make mistakes but that doesn't mean that they aren't human or live in our area or have been shipped off to another planet . they're still here so they deserve a say and for younger kids we have the right to choose who we want in charge of us . we all make up the US so we all should be able to vote , if i could id change that . This project changed how i saw the system and my view on voting because i honestly didn't know what i know now . and it opened my eyes . it made me realize we are all not equal or a democracy because we all don't have the same rights . To change this i would want to start a protest , and put my topic out there so that others that want the right to vote as well can agree with me .
Civic engagement means issues of public concern . Art plays a part in civic development because art is used in many ways , such as getting your point across or make an idea you have pop and have others gravitate to the message your trying to say . As a graphic designer it is important to help make a positive impact because people who's attention you caught not only are they interested in your topic but also your art skills . I would like to publicize waste and pollution in the air . you can take pictures of smoke and garbage and dirty rivers and put it into one thing and but it stand out .
  My views on the political system is that its an influence on its people and the economy should be .I found making the buttons to be more fun , I got to design and actually cute it out , put it together and stamp it onto that machine . There was no challenging these buttons everything was spoken , and for being so quiet . I wouldn't do anything different . I'd pretty much do the same thing ... if only I had more time I'd make more buttons .  This project wasn't related to my art work but i can still use what i learned sometime in the near future . 

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